5 Tips for Practicing Positive Mental Health Habits

Good mental health is important at every stage of life from childhood, adolescents to adulthood. Mental health affects how we act, think, and feel and it affects every core of our being including emotional, social and physiological being. That is why making positive mental health habits a priority cannot be overemphasized. Anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, panic and fears understand how challenging it is to maintain a healthy mental being. I understand this because I have seen a lot of people asking me for tips on how they can get out of this mental mess they found themselves in the first place. Hours of tossing on the bed with sleep being far-fetched. Days of being tired of life, everything and it looks like nothing has no meaning. Months of being plagued with anxiety and attack, and the list goes on. Hence, I, Roger El Smara , your number one source of information on a thing health and travel appreciate your reaching out to me and that is why I have p...